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Philanthropy ,


Michel Sproles knows her passion and purpose is to serve others, which she accomplishes through her Philanthropic efforts with Wigs for Warriors, Volunteering countless hours as Head Track Coach of West Coast Elite Track Club, and her newly founded project The Pink Line Active. Being raised in the inner city and having limited access to resources encouraged Michel to always reach back and be of service to others.


Michel had the privilege of being mentored by some amazing women and vowed to pay it forward with the hope that she can be of inspiration to other black and brown girls just like herself. As a Breast Cancer Survivor she has vowed to give back to her community of women because she admired the fight they possess and feel this experience played a major role in her journey to success. Wigs for Warriors is a program that provides Free Wigs to Breast Cancer Survivors.


Through Coaching Track Michel has met teens from many walks of life and has been an additional support to them while guiding them through hardships on and off the field. She goes above and beyond to help prepare her athletes for competing at the collegiate level, but more importantly puts them in position to receive athletic scholarship opportunities. In fact, her success rate of sending athletes that want to compete at the collegiate level on Track Scholarship is nearly 100%.


The Pink Line Active is Michel’s Active Wear Line. However, her charitable component is geared towards hosting Teen Girls Empowerment Camps that will focus on beauty from the inside out. These camps will provide life-skills workshops such as financial literacy, health/ physical education, business education (how to fill out college/ job applications, create resumes, etc), as well as Beauty How-to classes teaching age appropriate makeup application and cost-effective hair care tips. There will also be a workshop that will focus on mental health and the importance of self-love and having confidence.


Thank you for all your help and advice over the years. You gave me some amazing opportunities and I will never forget and I am extremely grateful for everything you’ve done for me as a coach!


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